Factory Direct Store
Proudly Made in America* Since 1898 *using high quality domestic and imported parts
Made in America*
Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898

*using high quality
domestic and imported parts

Factory Direct Store
Proudly Made in America* Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898

*using high quality
domestic and imported parts


Incorporating Cargo Bikes into Daily Routines

Exercise is important for all people. Although different people require different lengths and intensity, all people need some form of physical activity. Considering we sit all day at work, commute via vehicle, and sleep all night, there is little time to be active. When can anyone find real time to go the gym or exercise? There are ways to incorporate physical activity on a daily basis without making significant changes.Cargo Bikes

One of the easiest and most cost effective ways to stay more active is to replace a car/bus/train with a bike. Considering many people do not need much at work, you can only ride a bike while wearing a backpack. So, riding a bike is convenient for transportation when you do not need to carry many things. It is hard to shop, and especially the grocery store, with a traditional bike. Transporting friends or family members on a regular bike is hard. Although American made bike is great for many things, they are not ideal for transportation of items/goods.

This is why you should strongly consider the benefits of a cargo bike. Not only are cargo bikes trendy, but they are also practical in modern day society. The bikes can be easily used to transport kids, small pieces of furniture, groceries, and so much more. American made cargo bikes are durable, efficient, and cost effective. Consider picking one up today.

Related Reading Cargo Bikes